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Kolečkové freeskate brusle Powerslide Tau 90 Trinity jsou určeny pro agresivní street styl jízdy pln
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Tau 90 Trinity
POWERSLIDE Tau 90 Trinity
532.64 EUR
SKLADEM - výrobce (na obchodě za cca 10 až 14 dnů)
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Inline Centrum, which wasn´t here!

We specialize in sale, consulting and service not only of inline skates.  In our team we have enthusiastic skaters, sellers and producers of inline skates and sport equipment. So we have close to skating from the side of users (skaters) also from the side of producers. This gives us the whole overlook and possibility to recommend the best equipment for beginner, professional or real freestyle riders. Thanks to this experience we see characteristics of finished product from the eye of skater and also into single construction elements, which give the product its characteristics, also price of finished product.

If you already have skates, we can recommend you the most suitable wheels and bearings or help you with choosing of insoles from the shape of your foot. You can then improve your speed, comfort  of ride on rough asphalt, whole maneuverabiity of skates and also position of ankles, knees and hips for better technique of skating and healthy sport. 

In our persistant sortiment you will find complete spare parts and accessories for skating. We will help you how to choose backpack for skates, clothes or suitable accessories for traing and falls, which to skating belong. So we have wide sortiment of helmets and protectors. Regularly you will find at us offer of Quad -trek skates, scooters, pennyboards, skateboards and longboards.  

Exchange of Christmas presents  Goods purchased from 20.11.2017 can be exchanged until January 7, 2018!

doprava zdarma inline výlety kamenná prodejna pujcovna







Service of 


Service of 






14 days






Doprava zdarma Free delivery 


When was the last time when somebody paid something for you? When ordering over 4000, - CZK the postage and packing charges do not apply. Delivery is provided by PPL.


in-line výlety Inline trips

We are not just store and e-shop. We love skating. We are planning and organizing inline trips during which we would like to skate with you on the most popular inline paths and interesting tracks in Czech republik and abroad. Join as and experience great spirit of skating.


If you want to try goods before you purchase them, to look it over or just to get advice, stop in our stores in Prague. We will be glad to assist you and we will help you with choosing of suitable equipment just for you. You can buy goods right in our store, or you can order via our e-shop in advance and then after trying and looking over it to decide if you will buy or not. 
In our stores we offer also service of inline skates, quad skates, skateboards and scooters and we provide free measuring of feet and diagnostics of vault, thanks to it we can recommend you suitable skates or sport insoles right for your shape of foot. Stores are located over the metro station Budějovická in shopping mall DBK on the 1st floor in Prague 4 and in Usedlost Ladronka in Prague 6, where is also Rental Ladronka.

půjčovna in-line bruslí Rental 

Do you want to borrow skates just for one afternoon or try some special model ? No problem. We offer wide range of types and sizes in our rental shop for 24 hours. We have inline skates and quad-trek skates in wide spectrum of sizes and models. We have something for recreational skaters, kids and fans of bigger wheels. It is also possible to borrow scooters, longboards, pennyboards, and of course protectors and helmets We are not only rental, but mainly specialized store with the whole service.
You can purchase choosen models of inline skates of brand K2, Roces, Rollerblade, Powerslide, Fila and Tempish. We also sell Quad skates, scooters, skateboards, longboards and pennyboards. We also have in stock spare parts and accessories. 
Surroundings of rental is place, where we regularly have inline events for public as testing of inline skates, skating with experienced trainers, consulting in part of service etc. 
Price list of Rental and further information in article Inline Rental Ladronka 
First time on Slevomat

servis bruslí Service of skates

It is not good? Is something wrong? Does it need to improve? Visit our store Inline Center, in shopping mall DBK in Prague 4 and in Usedlost Ladronka in Prague 6, we offer specialized service of inline skates, Quad skates and basic service of scooters, skateboards, longboards and pennyboards. We have years of experience in field of service so we are able to help even when it comes to unusual service repairs such as broken ankle rivet or string lacing system (K2 Boa, Powerslide ATOP etc.). We have of course wide choice of spare parts and accessories in stock. Apart from traditional service we offer also tunning thanks to it you can improve skates - f.e. with quality sport insoles Sidas or Svorto, lightenng wheels or to centre frame after your imagination.
Pricelist and offer of service works here 
Inline Centrum service - arcticle

servis koloběžek Service of scooters

 In our stores Inline Centrum in Prague  we provide basic service of folding and freestyle scooters. We specialize in brands Tempish, Micro, Worx and licenced scooters of brand Powerslide.  But we also repair scooters from other producers. Basic collection of spare parts is available in stock (wheels, bearings, pegs, grips for handlebars or axis of different lengths).
Pricelist and list of repairs

testovaání in-line bruslí Test center

The best way for the right choice of skate is proper testing. Test Centrum provides in our rental in Usedlost Ladronka in Prague 6. Here you can through skating season try actual models of american K2 or czech Tempish, from whom we have also Quad skates. Ocasionally we prepare testing events in cooperation with Powerslide, Tempish K2 , Roces or Fila, on which you can expect of classic skates to try interesting things as f.e. speed skates, nordic skates with nflatable wheels, three-wheel skates with speed lacing system and others. 

Videorecenze, recenze in-line bruslíVideo reviews 

We test, try, skate, shoot - we prepare videos and reviews for you in which we will focus on some interesting products we offer. We want to sell and recommend only those products which we try ourselves. Reviews, tests and videos will prove us and you that we sell products which are worth to buy.

Vrácení zboží do 14 dnů 14 days return

It doesn´t fit, live up to your expectation, innapropriate gift, etc.? No problem. Unused goods bought via e-shop (and sent to your address) could be returned within 14 days. Goods bought in our store we offer only exchange within 14 days from the date of purchase.
Further information you will find in terms and coditions.  

Kurzy in-line bruslení Skating lessons

Are you beginner or you are on inlines after long time? You want to know how to brake safely. You want to know how to prolong your slide and improve rebound. We cooperate with Inline Škola. You want to discover inline technique and consult it with freestyle slalom champion of Czech Republic? Then follow our website and facebook page. We organize events with experienced trainers and skaters for our customers. When, where, how? Follow our website, blog and news and you will find out in advance.

Few photos from our backstage:

kompletace dílců kolečkových bruslí během výrobykompletace zakladnich dilcu kolečkových bruslíkontrola kvality behem vyroby bruslikontrola pevnosti lepeni brulsíkontrola kvality svaru koloběžky během výrobygrafický návrh pro výrobu bruslítestování kvality koleček na kolečkové brusle

Our company uses support for working space

Evropský sociální fond v ČR

ESF - European social fond in Czech Republic 
OPLZZ - Operating program human resourses and imployment


Rental Ladronka

Inline Centrum Usedlost Ladronka

Provozujeme specializovanou prodejnu s půjčovnou a servisem na nejfrekventovanější pražské cyklostezce na Ladronce.

Kromě prodeje a poradenství, poskytujeme také zapůjčení bruslí a servis. V naší prodejně můžete zakoupit inline brusle, quad (trekové) brusle, koloběžky, skateboardy, longboardy a pennyboardy včetně veškerého příslušenství, náhradních dílů a doplňků.

Prodejna je zároveň naším hlavním stanovištěm pro ostatní akce, ať už jde o testování bruslí světových značek pro veřejnost, bruslení s profi trenéry nebo prezentace našeho stánku InlineCentrum se servisem a poradenstvím. Podrobnější informace o naší půjčovně najdete níže.

Půjčovna Ladronka

Ladronka je mekka pražského inline bruslení. Naší prodejnu najdete přímo v centru této oblíbené a frekventované pražské inline dráhy.

Mapka Ladronky IC

Areál Ladronka se nachází v městské části Prahy 6 na 4,6 kilometrů dlouhé planině nad velkým strahovským stadionem. Je tedy položený ještě výše než Petřín a tomu odpovídají i neobvyklé výhledy na Prahu.
Dráha je součástí udržovaného parku, celý areál je vhodný i pro děti, pro které zde bylo vybudované hřiště. Dráha je vhodná i pro sportovní jízdu nebo trénink našich nejlepších bruslařů, avšak mimo odpolední hodiny, kdy je dráha plná dětí na jízdních kolech i na bruslích a dospělých bruslařů. Volnější je dráha v ranních a večerních nebo nočních hodinách. Cesta je osvětlená, takže se dá využít i na noční bruslení.



Výstupní zastávka VYPICH

  • tramvaj č. 22, 25
  • autobus č. 174, 179, 180, 191

Výstupní zastávka ŠTEFKOVA (popřípadě U LADRONKY)

  • autobus č. 191

Pohled ze zastávky, Štefkova, busu č. 191 směr Petřiny

Autem (parkování)

Ladronka je snadno dostupná městskou dopravou i autem. Parkovat se dá po celé délce Tomanovy ulice (souběžně s inline dráhou) nebo na kapacitně velmi omezeném parkovišti u Televizní věže.

Ceník půjčovny InlineCentrum v Praze

Ceník půjčovného 1h/os 2h/os 3h/os 4h/os 24h/os Záloha
Kolečkové inline brusle + trekové brusle 150,- 230,- 300,- 350,- 600,- min. 2.000,-
Dětské kolečkové brusle 150,- 230,- 300,- 350,- 600,- min. 1.000,-
Koloběžka 150,- 230,- 300,- 350,- 600,- min. 2.000,-
Pennyboard 150,- 230,- 300,- 350,- 600,- 1.000,-
Longboard 150,- 230,- 300,- 350,- 600,- 2.000,-
Chrániče zápěstí 50,- 90,- 130,- 180,- 300,- 200,-
Helma 50,- 90,- 130,- 180,- 300,- 300,-
Frisbee, disc golf (cena za 1 disk) 50,- 90,-  130,-  180,- 300,- 500,-
Petanque (6 koulí) 50,- 90,-  130,-  180,- 300,- 500,-

Při ztrátě disku se hradí jeho plná výše, tedy 265 Kč za putter, 370 Kč za midrange a 370 Kč za driver.
Půjčujeme, na nájemní smlouvu, buď proti 2 dokladům totožnosti (OP+ŘP) nebo záloze v hotovosti viz výše uvedený ceník.

Otevírací doba:

  • Po-Pá   13:00-19:00
  • So-Ne   11:00-19:00

Za deště a mokra půjčovna uzavřena - prodejna otevřena.

InlineCentrum  Ladronka
Tomanova 1/1028
Přímo v Usedlosti Ladronka
169 00  Praha 6 - Břevnov

Tel. do prodejny: +420 601 584 223 

Odpovědný vedoucí:
Jan Chalupský

Exteriér Inline Centra LadronkaProdejna Inline CentrumInteriér Inline CentraNové modely Micro a Sidas sportovní vložkyNové koloběžky značky BibandaDoplňky ke kolečkovým bruslímKolečka a doplňky k inline bruslímPennyboardy

Service of roller skates

Powerslide Imperial Megacruiser 125mm

In shops of Inline Centrum, in Shopping Mall DBK in Prague 4 and in Usedlost Ladronka in Prague 6, we provide service of inline and quad (trek) skates, scooters, skateboards, longboards and pennyboards.

On your skates we check their status and recommend necessary or suitable repairs and change of parts (wheels, bearings, spacers, brakes etc.). Most of repairs we can do right in our shop. Spare wheels, bearings and brakes of most models we hold in stock.

Thanks to experiences from skating we can recommend suitable wheels, which will fit the best. There are different for comfortable ride, different for speed sport and different for freestyle or hockey. We specialize mainly on brands K2, Tempish, Rollerblade and Powerslide, at which we hold most of spare parts normally in stock.

The most often provided service:

  • Wheels swaps on inline skates - for saving of suitable shape and extended longevity of wheels.
  • Exchange of bearings in inline skates.
  • Exchange of spacers.
  • Exchange of brake logs or whole brakes.
  • Delivery of brakes on speed and freestyle skates.
  • Choice of suitable insoles according to your feet for higher comfort and maneuverability of skates.

Pricelist and list of service works you will find  here

Servis a tunning bruslí je pro nás vášní

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